Navigate from Campus Ufo - T4 - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 - Entry A1 to Building Physics, Construction and Climate Control (UGent)
Building Physics, Construction and Climate Control (UGent)
from Campus Ufo - T4 - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 - Entry A1
- Take entry A1 in the right-hand corner of the square - Go to the left by step or lift - Go left - Then left again - Cross the roof terrace and enter the blue door of block 4 - Go right - Follow the Path, passerel above the workshops, and keep following straight ahead - After you walk through 2 doors, you reach the test center's workplace for facade elements - Take the turn to the left - You are now at the entrance of the premises of the research group of construction physics
route ID: 4991