Having problems navigating to the classroom? Or is your need for caffeine sending you on a quest to find the coffee machine? SoleWay helps you find your way indoors.
All you need to get going, is a starting point on the map (or your current gps-location) and the name of the place you are looking for.
Here is a short list of most favourited SoleWay routes:
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Imagine a person approaching you in stress and lost in a building. You could try to tell him where to go, but words get lost very easily. Your best response? Open up SoleWay and create the route for the person in need.
Not only did you help out that one person, but you've served the whole SoleWay community with yet another route. Remember: sharing is caring!
Create an indoor route!SoleWay covers all regions which are open to the public. Worldwide.
You can consult the website from any device
If interested in cooperation, please contact nico.vandeweghe@ugent.be