Navigate from Both entrances to the Ufo building to Deparment of Archaeology, Ghent University

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Deparment of Archaeology, Ghent University

from Both entrances to the Ufo building

Option 1: enter the Ufo building from the upper entrance, indicated with n° 35, at the (bicycle)parking next to the Technicum. In the foyer, take the stairs or elevator that are directly next to the entrance, and go to the first floor. Here is the Department of Archaeology. Option 2: enter the Ufo building from the lower entrance with big stairs, indicated with n° 33, next to the Rectorate building and the Vooruit. Inside, cross the large foyer completely (walking parallel with the street) until you reach the second entrance to the building. There, take the stairs or elevator and go to the first floor. Here is the Department of Archaeology If you need the secretary, go to the left; in the corner of the hallway is room 110.011

route ID: 1071
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