Navigate from UGent Campus Ufo - square - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 to RIO - Research and Internationalisation Office - Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UGent - Technicum building T1 - ground floor
RIO - Research and Internationalisation Office - Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UGent - Technicum building T1 - ground floor
from UGent Campus Ufo - square - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
Technicum building is a yellow brick building situated between University Restaurant De Brug and Ufo-building (Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41). Enter the main entrance of Technicum Building and turn left just before the staircase. Enter the first door to the left following the signs Faculty Student Administration. Research and Internationalisation Office. You can either ask at the Faculty Student Administration desk for the RIO office or walk into the corridor on the right side with 5 meetings rooms. Please knock on room number 4 or ring the white doorbell. You reached the meeting room of RIO. Welcome!
route ID: 5952