Navigate from parking lot between building 903 and 904 to Center for Molecular Modeling / Centrum voor Moleculaire Modelering / CMM

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Center for Molecular Modeling / Centrum voor Moleculaire Modelering / CMM

from parking lot between building 903 and 904

* locate building 903 * locate the entrance with the metallic text 'materials science' above it, and enter through the blue sliding doors. * go behind the information panels in the center of the hall, go 2 steps down, and take the curled staircase to the first floor * go left for 10 meters, turn left and go a few stairs up (through the doors, and then another few stairs up) * when you reach the second floor, turn left, pass the toilets at your left, go through the doors and you are in the office area of the Center for Molecular modeling

route ID: 970
Created by {{}} on {{ routes.created | localdatetime }}
Last updated on {{ routes.updated | localdatetime }}